Upper grade chapel changes for Lent

March 27, 2023

During Lent, students in grades 5-8 participate in a special chapel service. While kindergarten through grade 4 continue with Wednesday morning chapel services, the older students meet later in the day, and the format is much different. 

While morning chapel includes singing and a message, often provided by different classes or guest speakers, the Lent chapel for the older students is a time of reflection. 

"There typically isn't a time when students don't have something vying for their attention. Whether that's their teachers, friends, parents, sports or even their cell phone, there are very few opportunities for middle school and high school students to quiet their minds and focus on the Jesus. We are providing them this opportunity through our Lent chapel," said Pastor Jeremy Ashley. 

Walking by the sanctuary during this quiet chapel time, it's sometimes hard to see the students, sitting quietly in the dark, spaced apart. Pastor Jeremy said it gives them an opportunity to focus on Jesus, pray and reflect on His word. The quiet time doesn't last long, 10-15 minutes, but it is impactful. 

The same concept is replicated during the youth group meetings during E3. The middle school and high school youth move to the chapel at the beginning of the meetings and spend a few minutes in quiet, individual prayer time as well. 

So what does this look like? We took a video to share.

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