Children's Church is held each Sunday during our 11 a.m. worship service. During the sermon, Elizabeth Parrish, campus director for Family and Children's Ministry, takes children age 4-8 to the Church Lounge for a special message designed specifically for them. Children pray, sing, learn and then return to their families after the church sermon is complete. This allows young children and their families to remain together for worship, but hear a message that appeals to them.
Everyone is welcome at Children's Church. Whether you are a member or just visiting one time, your kids can attend. We do have a check-in process for Children's Church. While check-in isn't required for kids to attend Children’s Church, it is helpful to know who attended and for the kids to wear the name badges. You can stop at the Children’s Church table before church to check-in or if you are a familiar with our check-in app, you can use that and select Children’s Church as the check in station. Your label will be available on the Children’s Church table. Save time and check in before you even leave the house! (Church check-in still requires you to be inside the building.)
For more information, contact Elizabeth Parrish at