What’s Happening at Trinity—Dec. 1, 2024
WOMEN’S LEAGUE FUNDRAISER—The Women’s League is hosting an all-weekend Christmas bake sale fundraiser. The women will sell their soup and dip mixes, along with baked goods before and after all services on Dec. 14-15.
Advent and Christmas at Trinity
MIDWEEK WORSHIP—Join us on Wednesdays at noon in the chapel as we meditate on God’s word and prepare for the birth of our Savior. Midweek chapel is Dec. 4, 11 and 18.
ADVENT SOUP AND SING—Let’s have dinner together and sing Christmas carols as we kick off the Advent season on Dec. 4 at 6 p.m. in the Church Foyer
ECC CONCERT—The 4-year-old preschool students perform Christmas concert on Sunday, Dec. 8 at 3 p.m. in the gym.
BLUE CHRISTMAS—Blue Christmas is intended for those who have experienced a significant , whether it be a loved one, job, home or hope, and are seeking the comfort of God. The service is Monday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. For more information, contact the Lisa Riviera at 586-463-2921 ext. 111.
SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM—Students in Trinity’s K-8 school present the annual Christmas program on Wednesday, Dec. 18 in the Sanctuary. An open dress rehearsal is at 10 a.m. and the main performance is at 6:30 p.m.
Christmas Eve, Dec. 24
- † 4 p.m. - Worship for Families - Christmas worship for families with children of all ages
- † 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. - Candlelight Worship - Christmas worship with orchestra by candlelight
Christmas Day Dec. 25
- † 10 a.m. - Festival Worship with Holy Communion
SERMON SERIES—All of our Advent services will focus on the theme of the Advent wreath. Through His son, God provided his people, including us, with hope, peace, joy and love. This season, we will focus on how Jesus fulfilled God's promise to save his people.
ADVENT DEVOTIONS—Crosstalk Trinity creates Advent audio devotions available to downloaded from our website or iTunes, Google or say, “Play Trinity Crosstalk podcast” to an Alexa-enabled device. Listen to the audio devotions during dinner, while at work or while you commute. For information or to sign up to receive Crosstalk via email, visit Trinityct.org/Crosstalk.
CONFIRMATION MODULE REGISTRATION—If you have a sixth, seventh or eighth grader, it’s time to register for confirmation modules. Head to Trinityct.org/confirmation and select the modules that fit within your schedule. If you have questions about confirmation, contact Katie Erkkinen at
BAPTISM CLASSES—A Zoom baptism class is scheduled for Jan. 27 . If you are interested in baptism for you or your child, visit Trinityct.org/baptism. The class focuses on baptism, what it is and why we do it, and explains your role and how this all plays out in the "real life" of your home. For more information, contact the Church Office at 586-463-2921 or email
MONDAY NIGHT WOMENS BIBLE STUDY continues weekly, at 7 p.m. in the Church Lounge. Beginning Monday, Nov. 18, the group is starting a 4-week Advent study "Joy the World.” All women are welcome. Questions please contact Bonnie Young by cell or text at 586-350-3222.
TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY—Meet to enjoy God's Word every Tuesday morning 9:30-10:45 a.m. Led by Mary Hartman and Lila Tirsell. Meets in the Church Lounge.
A BIBLE STUDY FOR MEN—Wednesday mornings from 6– 7 a.m. in the Church Lounge. Hot coffee, study guides and Christian fellowship await you! Questions? Contact Pat Anderson at
SATURDAY MORNING MEN’S STUDY—A Saturday morning men’s Bible study meets in the Church Lounge at Trinity at 8 a.m. For more information, contact Brian Lanko at
SUPPORT THE NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING —Trinity is sending 17 youth and adults this summer to the LCMS National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, LA. 25,000+ youth and adults from across the globe will be traveling to New Orleans, July 19 - 23 to be encouraged through the theme “Endure” based on Heb 12:1-3. However, we can’t make it there without your help – so please consider helping us in the following ways:
- † Pray for Trinity’s group of 17 youth and adults attendees
- † Pray for the National Youth Gathering – that lives and hearts would be touched.
† Please help us “CLEAR THE BOARD” by taking an envelope (or as many as you would like) from the sponsorship board in the Narthex today! on Inside each envelop is another. Write the donation amount on the second envelop, seal it and return it to the church office by Dec. 15. Make checks payable to Trinity Lutheran Church – memo – National Youth Gathering. Thank you for supporting these youth and adults and making this National Youth Gathering a possibility for them to attend.
VOICES IN PRAISE REHEARSALS—The adult choir, Voices in Praise, meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. in the choir room. The choir is members from Trinity as well as St. Luke Clinton Township. This choir performs regularly at Trinity’s 9 a.m. worship and at services at St. Luke. To join, come to rehearsal or contact Paul Finazzo at
MCREST HELP—MCREST has many needs this year, take a look at the big board located in the foyer to see if you can help. There are spots to fill in hospitality (after dinner activities), making dinner and lunches and more. For more information, contact this year’s coordinator Katie Bielman at or call the Church Office at 586-463-2921.
JANUARY 2025 HAITI TRIP—A team is traveling to Cap-Haitien, Haiti this coming Jan. 15-22, 2025 and they need our help! The team will see up to 800 Haitians for reading and distant eyeglasses. Distance glasses will purchased from MOST Ministries, but the team is in need of reading glasses with the strength in the +1's, +2's, +3's and +4's. The dollar stores are a great place to find them. Haiti is dusty so the team is also taking donations of .5 oz eye drops as well. Please contact Kim Waller at 586-202-8843 or Keith Waller a586-215-4084 to schedule a pick up or drop off.
FAMILY OF GOD DINNERS—Trinity provides meals to Family of God in Detroit on the second Wednesday of each month. Volunteers are needed to donate a dish. If you’d like to contribute financially, leave a donation in the Church Office or Venmo Cathy Essig (@CLEssig). To schedule a dish donation, call Karen Langreet at 586-445-2460.
DINNER DANCE TICKETS ON SALE—The 8th grade hosts its annual Dinner Dance Fundraiser to support the class's spring trip to New York City. The even is Saturday, Feb. 8 at the Italian American Cultural Center. Doors open at 6 p.m. for an evening filled with prizes, raffles, basket and an open bar. Tickets are $65 each and available from any 8th grade parent or email
GIFT CARDS MAKE GREAT GIFTS—With the holidays approaching, get your holiday shopping done with Raise Right and help Trinity in the process. By purchasing gift cards through RaiseRight, you can earn money towards student tuition and help Trinity. RaiseRight offers physical and e-cards. Mrs. Nyboer will place two more orders before Christmas, Dec. 4 and Dec. 13. Cards typically take 2-3 days to ship to the school office. She also has limited quantities and denominations of cards on-hand in the office on a regular basis. For the enrollment code, to place an order and ask questions, contact Rachel Nyboer in the school office at 586-8511 ext. 130 or
This week at Trinity—Dec. 1-7, 2024
Sunday (1) |
9 a.m. |
Worship—Sanctuary |
11 a.m. |
Worship—Sanctuary |
7 p.m. |
Confirmation Module—Youth Lounge |
Monday (2) |
1 p.m. |
Alanon—Church Lounge |
6:30 p.m. |
Macomb Quilt Guild—Community Center |
6:30 p.m. |
Tai Chi—Gym |
7 p.m. |
Women’s Bible Study—Church Lounge |
7 p.m. |
Confirmation Module—Youth Lounge |
Tuesday (3) |
9:30 a.m. |
Women’s Bible Study—Church Lounge |
5:30 p.m. |
Scouts-Community Center |
5:30 p.m. |
Women’s Veterans Group—Church Lounge |
7 p.m. |
School Band Concert—Sanctuary |
7 p.m. |
Scouts—Community Center |
Wednesday (4) |
6 a.m. |
Men’s Bible Study—Church Lounge |
Noon |
Midweek Worship—Chapel |
Noon |
Kiwanis—Community Center |
6 p.m. |
Advent Soup and Sing—Church Foyer |
Thursday (5) |
9:30 a.m. |
Pastoral Care Team—Church Lounge |
1 p.m. |
Diabetes Support Group—Meeting Room 1 |
2 p.m. |
Paper Hugs—Church Lounge |
7 p.m. |
Purls Knitting Group—Church Lounge |
Friday (6) |
7 p.m. |
NA Meeting—Community Center |
Saturday (7) |
8 a.m. |
Men’s Bible Study—Church Lounge |
5 p.m. |
Worship—Sanctuary |
Special Prayers
- † For the sick and suffering
- † For those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries
- † For the ministry of Trinity Counseling Center
- † For the Senior Pastor search process
- † For our nation, its leaders, and our citizens
- † For our mission partner HARP
- † For our sister congregation St. Luke Clinton Township