Trinity Announcer for Feb. 9, 2025

February 07, 2025

What’s Happening at Trinity—Feb. 9, 2025

INTERESTED IN DOING A CROSSTALK—Trinity’s Crosstalk audio devotions are distributed each weekday during Lent. We are looking for those who want to participate by writing and recording a short devotion. Topic and verses will be provided. Contact Steve Adams at or stop by the Tech Booth.

HARDT-RATHE MATCHING CHALLENGE! The Hardt-Rathe Scholarship fund was started to assist families who desire a Christian education for their children but needed financial assistance. Through the continued support of the congregation to the Hardt-Rathe Scholarship Fund, Trinity provides an average of $30,000 to support families with tuition needs each year. Thanks to an anonymous donor, we have an opportunity to grow the fund! During the month of February, any donations to the scholarship fund will be matched up to $5,000. All contributions are tax deductible. Checks can be made payable to Trinity Lutheran Church with the memo line “Hardt-Rathe Fund.” You may also elect Hardt-Rathe as your offering option in Elexio if you give online. For more information, contact Mark Brown at

RESTORE THE ROOF—Help us raise $200,000 for the repairs of our Sanctuary Copper Roof and Gutter through the “Restore the Roof” campaign. Significant work was done on the roof of Trinity over the past year. Due to the extreme damage under the Sanctuary roof, many copper panels had to be replaced and repaired. Wood laminated boards under the overhang and concealed gutter needed replaced as well. Thankfully, Trinity has the funding available to do the work but that funding now needs to be replenished. Please help us “Restore the Roof” by contributing to our goal of $200,000 through the end of the 2025. Contributions can be dropped off at the Church Office (marked “Roof”) or can be done through the Elexio app by selecting Restore the Roof from the offering fund option. For more information, contact Debbie Simmons at


E3 CONTINUES—E3, our Wednesday evening gathering and activities for all ages, continues throughout the winter! Free dinner is served at 6 p.m. followed by the meetings at 6:30 p.m. There is something for everyone in the family. For more information, call the Church Office at 586-463-2921.

Current E3 Offerings:

  • Adults — “A Clash of Kingdoms”
  • Adults—The Intersection of Church and State
  • Middle and High School Youth
  • Preteens (4th and 5th graders)
  • Elementary School (Kindergarten and older)
  • Nursery

UPCOMING E3 OFFERING—Beginning Feb. 19, Pastor Gary will be leads a class called “How We Got the Bible.” The story of the Bible has been called “The Greatest Story Ever Told.” But did you ever wonder where the Bible came from? Who wrote it? Why did they write it? Who decided which books to include? In this study, Dr. Paul Maier travels to the Bible Museum in Goodyear, Arizona, to take a look at “How We Got the Bible.” This class meets during our Wednesday evening E3 time, with dinner at 6 p.m. and the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

SAVE THE DATE—FIRST COMMUNION CLASS—Our First Communion Faith Stepping Stone for 5th graders begins Thursday, March 20 (does not meet March 27) and runs three weeks. The classes are held from 7-8:30 p.m. in the Community Center. Fifth graders and their parents attend the class together to prepare the students for receiving the Lord’s Supper. Students are able to participate in the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday, which is Thursday, April 17. To register, or get more information, visit


MONDAY NIGHT WOMENS BIBLE STUDY The Monday Night Ladies Bible Study continues Mondays at the NEW TIME of 6:30 p.m. in the Church Lounge. We will be studying "Luke in the Land" by Kristi McClelland. Questions? or to reserve a book, contact Bonnie Young by cell or text at 586-350-3222.

TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY—Meet to enjoy God's Word every Tuesday morning 9:30-10:45 a.m. Led by Mary Hartman and Lila Tirsell. Meets in the Church Lounge.

A BIBLE STUDY FOR MEN—Wednesday mornings from 6– 7 a.m. in the Church Lounge. Hot coffee, study guides and Christian fellowship await you! Questions? Contact Pat Anderson at

SATURDAY MORNING MEN’S STUDY—A Saturday morning men’s Bible study meets in the Church Lounge at Trinity at 8 a.m. For more information, contact Brian Lanko at


CALLING ALL MILITARY MEMBERS—If you or a family member are serving in the armed forces, contact Pastor Gary. We’d like to make sure our records are up to date and we are praying for you. For more information, email or call 586-463-2921.

PRAYER FOR STEPHEN MINISTRY—Please keep our Stephen Minister program in your prayers. Trinity’s Stephen Ministers are available to listen. They don’t fix the care receiver’s problems; instead, they can continue providing the best possible care while relying on God to bring about the results. To get more information on Stephen Ministry, contact Pastor Gary at 586-463-2921 or

SUPPORT THE NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING —Trinity is sending 17 youth and adults this summer to the LCMS National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, LA. 25,000+ youth and adults from across the globe will be traveling to New Orleans, July 19 - 23 to be encouraged through the theme “Endure” based on Heb 12:1-3. However, we can’t make it there without your help. Please help us “CLEAR THE BOARD” by taking an envelope (or as many as you would like) from the sponsorship board in the Narthex. Inside each envelope is another. Write the donation amount on the second envelop, seal it and return it to the church office. Make checks payable to Trinity Lutheran Church – memo – National Youth Gathering. 


NON-FOOD PANTRY ITEMS NEEDED—While your generosity helps us keep our food pantry stocked with canned goods, meats, bread and more, there are other items we need that aren't able to be purchased with our Simply Give cards. Things like shampoo, deodorant, laundry soap and other hygiene items are needed by our pantry users. If you are able to donate any of these items, bring them to the church and leave them at the office or outside of the Food Pantry.

HARP MISSION 2025-WE NEED YOUR MUSCLES & TRUCKS!! Prayerfully consider letting us add you to our on-call list to help move furniture items for “Stuff the truck”. This may only require helping retrieve household items 1-2 days in May or June. Youth/teens are welcome to help and we give volunteer hours. If you have a truck or trailer and wouldn’t mind meeting us at a location in May/June to pick items up, please let us know. We cannot do stuff the truck without you!! The mission trip to Caldwell, Ohio is June 8-13. Consider joining us for our first impact meeting Feb. 27 at 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel. We welcome former and new team members. Direct questions to Shawn McCormick 586-610-1127 or 

FEED THOSE IN NEED-Trinity provides meals/casseroles for Family of God in Detroit on the second Wednesday of every month. Volunteers are needed to help cook or donate a dish. You can even just donate fruit, muffins, rolls or sweets. Members from our congregation deliver and serve at the mission. If cooking isn't your thing but you'd like to contribute, cash donations can be turned in to the Church Office or via Venmo to Cathy Essig (@CLEssig). Family of God serves meals to over 100 people in the Detroit community 6 days a week. Call Karen Langreet at (586) 445-2460 or (586) 291-6273. For more information on Family of God, visit


HEY BATTER, BATTER! Get ready for our third season of Mel Ott baseball starting this spring. The teams play other Lutheran churches in the district, and the program is open to both boys and girls who are school and/or church members. Registration packets are available at the Welcome Center. If you have any questions, contact Nicole Thomas at (586) 623-8191.


LHSA FAMILIES—It’s time to turn in your LHSA Congregational Support Form! Print out the forms at and turn them in to the Church Office.

SAVE THE DATE FOR TRIVIA NIGHT —Support the youth attending the National Youth Gathering this summer through a Trivia Night on March 15 at 6 p.m. More info to come, but start gathering your teams of 8 and mark it on your calendar.

DIRECT YOUR CHOICE DOLLARS—It’s time to direct your Choice Dollars. All Thrivent members have Choice Dollars to distribute to non-profit organizations. Thrivent members’ 2024 Choice Dollars need to find a home before March 31. Designate them to Trinity Lutheran Church, School and ECC. There are two ways two for directing Choice Dollars. Go to or call 800-847-4836 and say "Thrivent Choice" at the prompt. Please take a few minutes and designate Trinity.

This week at Trinity—Feb. 9-15, 2025

Sunday (9)

9 a.m.



11 a.m.


Monday (10)

1 p.m.

Alanon—Church Lounge


5:30 p.m.

Stephen Ministry Leaders—Community Center


6 p.m.

Girl Scouts—Youth Lounge


6:30 p.m.

Ladies Bible Study—Church Lounge


6:30 p.m.

Tai Chi—Gym


7 p.m.

Stephen Ministry—Community Center

Tuesday (11)

9:30 a.m.

Women’s Bible Study—Church Lounge


5:30 p.m.

Scouts—Community Center


7 p.m.

Elders Meeting—Youth Lounge

Wednesday (12)

6 a.m.

Men’s Bible Study—Church Lounge





6 p.m.

E3 Dinner—Cafeteria


6:30 p.m.

E3 Meetings—Various Rooms

Thursday (13)

9 a.m.

Tec 21—Church Lounge


7 p.m.

Confirmation Module—Youth Lounge


7 p.m.

Purls Knitting Group—Church Lounge

Friday (14)

7 p.m.

NA-Community Center

Saturday (15)

8 a.m.

Men’s Bible Study—Church Lounge


5 p.m.



Special Prayers 

  • † For the sick and suffering
  • † For youth and children’s ministry
  • † For the poor, homeless and jobless
  • † For the Senior Pastor search process
  • † For our mission partner HARP
  • † For our sister congregation Shepherd’s Gate
  • † For those who participate in Scouting America

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