Trinity Announcer for Jan. 10, 2021

January 07, 2021

Today at a Glance: Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021

9 a.m.

Worship—Sanctuary and Online

11 a.m.

Worship—Sanctuary and Online

What’s Happening at Trinity

COMMUNION—Our midweek communion services occur on an every-other-week schedule. Our next scheduled communion days are Jan. 12 and 14 and then Jan. 26 and 28. Go to to sign up. If you have any questions, call the church office at 586-463-2921.

TRINITY LUTHERAN SCHOOL AND ECC OPEN HOUSE—Please invite anyone interested in providing their child with an exceptional Christian education at Trinity to our School and Early Childhood Center Open House on Sunday, Feb. 7. We will have faculty and staff available to meet with future parents and children between 10:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 7. Guests will need to wear a mask and all meetings will be socially0distanced for everyone’s safety. All visits will start in the school lobby. Families will have the opportunity to visit the classrooms, meet with teachers, experience the facilities and learn about the programs that Trinity can offer. For more information, call 586-468-8511.

KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION NIGHT will be Tuesday, Feb. 9 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. We will meet in the church for a devotion together and learn more about our school and Kindergarten program. Please invite anyone you know who might be interested in attending Kindergarten at Trinity next year. Don’t hesitate to call the school office with any questions at 586-468-8511. *This event is for parents only. All parent attendees must wear a mask and we will be practicing social distancing.


SERMON SERIES—Come and See—This series is based on Phillips invitation to Nathaniel (John1:46) to find more about who Jesus is and what He came to do. We invite you to do the same. Join us each week as we seek to get a better, bigger, fuller picture of Jesus.

† Jan. 10—Come and See Water Turned into Wine

† Jan. 17—Come and See The Unwelcome Prophet

† Jan. 24—Come and See An Exorcism

† Jan. 31—Come and See The Teacher

† Feb. 7—Come and See The Healer

† Feb. 14—Come and See The Glory of God

CONFIRMATION MODULE REGISTRATION IS OPEN for students in grades 6 – 8. These meet in the Community Center and we social distance the families to keep everyone safe. Winter and spring modules are available. To check out the dates and times and/or to sign up for modules visit the conformation website at For information, contact Kristin Hardy at or 586-463-2921.

BAPTISM PROGRAM—Have you been wondering about baptism for your child? Have you been waiting for the "right time"? Well, the right time is NOW! If you are interested in baptism at Trinity you can schedule a time to meet with Jeremy Ashley, for a “get to know you” conversation. While we're together we'll talk about what baptism is, how we do it, why we do it, what our role is, what a parent’s role is and how this all plays out in the “real life” of your home. The conversation is very comfortable and conversational in nature - not churchy or formal. Our time together can simply be for you to find out more about baptism or after we meet you may choose to schedule a baptism for your child! If you have any questions or to move forward with baptism, email me or 586-463-8803!

SUBMIT YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS—Do you have an urgent prayer request for our Prayer Chain members? Do you want to alert the pastors to a prayer need? We have an online form for submitting those requests. Go to and click Submit a Prayer Request. Complete the form and the submission will immediately be sent to the appropriate prayer warriors.

YOUTH MEETINGS—The midweek youth meet-ups are in-person again! The youth meet in a socially-distanced environment from 6:30-8 p.m. at the church. The youth meet ups are open to all students in grades 6-12. If you have not participated yet and are interested, email Mr. Wright at  

KIDS MINISTRY REMINDER—We thought it was very important to engage and equip families at the table the best way we could even though we can’t be together right now. Emily Wright is creating videos that can be found on our newly established YouTube Channel; TrinityCT Kids!. We are also sharing these videos and other resources on the Facebook page; Trinity Lutheran – 252 Ministry.  If you have any questions, contact Emily Wright at

MONDAY EVENING LADIES BIBLE STUDY— A new Monday Night Ladies Bible Study begins Jan. 11 at 7 p.m. in the Church Lounge. We will be studying "Sermon on the Mount" by Jen Wilkin. Questions? Contact Bonnie Young by phone or text at 586-350-3222

TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY-- Meet to enjoy God's Word every Tuesday morning 9:30-10:45 a.m. Led by Mary Hartman and Lila Tirsell. Meetings will be held in the Church Lounge.

WEDNESDAY MORNING MEN’S BIBLE STUDY meets Wednesday mornings at 6 a.m. in the Community Center. The topic changes regularly.  Study guide, provided. Please bring your own breakfast/beverage. We will NOT have coffee to serve. Pat Anderson will lead the group.


DID YOU KNOW? In our goal to reach the community through Trinity Christian Counseling, services are offered using many different insurance plans.  For example, in addition to accepting Blue Cross Blue Shield, Blue Care Network and others, we also accept several Michigan Medicaid plans. For more information on our confidential Christ-centered professional counseling, call us at 586-468-0401 or email  Our offices are located in the Olympia Spa and Salon building, 117 Cass Avenue, Suites 300 and 309 in downtown Mt. Clemens.

STEPHEN MINISTRY—Our Stephen Ministers are trained to listen. They will hear what you share and provide loving, non-judgmental support and you work through personal challenges or difficult life situation. For more information, call the church office at 586- 463-2921. 


LUTHERAN WOMEN’S LEAGUE MITE UPDATE—On the first Sunday of each month, the Lutheran Women’s League collects mites, or spare change, that Trinity members have collected.  Trinity’s mites are combined with those from other churches to support various organizations. In 2020, Trinity contributed $1,325.60 to the LWML. Just a little change can make a big change! Thanks for participating and keep up the good work! We’ll be collecting mite again on Feb. 6. Join us then to learn more about the mite mission.

ATTENTION THRIVENT MEMBERS—Please call the office of David Collins if you have not earmarked your two Action Team grants for 2021. We would like to support our local restaurants and our front line workers. If we get 100 grants we can inject our local economy with $25,000 and say a big thank you! Call him at 586-493-9775.

TRINITY QUILTERS—Trinity Quilters for LWR- Quilt square packs are currently on a table next to Youth Lounge - ready for sewing. Thanks for your time and talents used for this mission.


TRINITY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL SEARCH – Our nationwide search for a new principal is underway. You are welcome to submit names and contact information of qualified candidates to our co-chairs: Gordon Kennedy ( ) or David Brown ( ) or to Pastor Wise ( ) Please continue to pray that God would lead us to the person He’s choosing to fill this important ministry position for Trinity.

GSRP TEACHER NEEDED--Trinity  is seeking a preschool teacher with a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education for a GSRP classroom. Teachers are responsible to teach 4-year-old preschool Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) using Creative Curriculum, assess children using GOLD Assessment paired with Creative Curriculum 3 times per year, follow all GSRP guidelines, and co-teach Jesus time after GSRP hours. For more information call 586-463-8803 or fill out an online application at

GSRP OPENINGS—If you know anyone looking for preschool for the winter, Trinity’s Great Start Readiness Program Preschool is enrolling students. The income requirements have been lifted, making preschool free for most people. The program is open to students 4 years old by Dec. 1. For more information, visit, or call the ECC at 586-463-8803.


MEMORIAL PLAQUE—We have placed a beautiful remembrance plague with our Columbarium. You can now permanently memorialize a loved here at Trinity. For $300 you will receive a 2”x4” engraved tag with your loved ones name, birth and death dates. Trinity will also make a $200 donation to your choice of Hardt-Rathe Scholarship Fund, Trinity Building Fund, an IMPACT Mission or the Human Care Fund, in your loved ones name. Order forms are available in the Church office. Contact Rick Wyatt ( or 586-463-2921 ext. 106) if you have further questions.

This week at Trinity—Jan. 11-16, 2021

Monday (11)

7 p.m.

Stephen Ministers—Sunday School Office


7 p.m.

Women’s Bible Study—Church Lounge


7 p.m.

Confirmation Module—Community Center

Tuesday (12)

9:30 a.m.

Ladies Bible Study—Church Lounge


7 p.m.

Elders—Church Lounge


7 p.m.

Confirmation Module—Community Center

Wednesday (13)

6 a.m.

Men’s Bible Study—Community Center


6:30 p.m.

Youth Meet Up– Teams

Thursday (14)

7 p.m.

Confirmation Module—Community Center

Friday (15)


No Events Scheduled

Saturday (16)

5 p.m.



Special Prayers 

  • For the sick and suffering 
  • For the Caring Ministries of the Church
  • For the poor, oppressed, jobless, and homeless
  • For those persecuted for their faith
  • For those impacted by COVID-19 
  • Principal search process


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