What’s Happening at Trinity—Nov. 17, 2024
INSTALLATION OF INTENTIONAL INTERIM PASTOR—Today, Trinity welcomes Rev. Keith Lemley to serve as our senior pastor for the remainder of the process to call a permanent senior pastor. Pastor Keith has vast experience at guiding congregations through transitional seasons. Take a moment to meet Pastor Keith and his wife, Donna, after worship, and between services. Thank you to the Elder board and our volunteers for supplying the treats and helping at the reception for Pastor Keith Lemley and our new members.
POINSETTIA SALES EXTENDED—Altar Guild Poinsettia sales have been extended to Nov. 24. The cost is $16. A drop box is located in the foyer. Fill out the available information sheet. For more information, contact Kathy Conrad at 585-914-4512.
WOMEN’S LEAGUE FUNDRAISER—The weekend of Dec. 14-15, is hosting an all-weekend Christmas bake sale fundraiser. The women will sell their soup and dip mixes, along with baked goods before and after all services on Dec. 14-15.
NEW MEMBERS—Trinity receives several new members today. Please pray for our new members and their families.
- Shannon Bischoff
- Dan Butts
- Tim Chervenak & Denise Sanchez
- Ashley & Christopher Conaway
- Jason & Miranda Esper
- Emilie Frank-Nelson & Chris Nelson
- Elizabeth Gnesotto
- Jerry Harrold Jr.
- Jennette Haxter
- Jon Higbee
- Ashley Imbrunnone
- Sandy & Stan Jankauskas
- Addison Johnson
- Susan Landry
- Krystal Moore
- Kelly Nemeckay
- Megan Nurmi
- Chelsea Ormsby
- Denise Pawloski
- Brian Przybylski
- Alayna Sherman
- Bryan & Dawnne Smith
- Brenda Solovy
- Kristin Solovy
- David Wagner
- Amanda Ziegler
THANKSGIVING WORSHIP—Trinity will hold a special service on Wednesday, Nov. 27 at 7 p.m. to thank God for all of the blessings in our lives as we mark Thanksgiving.
E3 CONTINUES—This Wednesday is the last week for E3 before the Thanksgiving/Advent/Christmas break. Dinner is at 6 p.m. followed by the group meetings at 6:30 p.m. Groups for middle and high school students, preteens, elementary students and a nursery continue as well.
CONFIRMATION MODULE REGISTRATION—If you have a sixth, seventh or eighth grader, it’s time to register for confirmation modules. Head to Trinityct.org/confirmation and select the modules that fit within your schedule. If you have questions about confirmation, contact Katie Erkkinen at
BAPTISM CLASSES—A Zoom baptism class is scheduled for Jan. 27 . If you are interested in baptism for you or your child, visit Trinityct.org/baptism. The class focuses on baptism, what it is and why we do it, and explains your role and how this all plays out in the "real life" of your home. For more information, contact the Church Office at 586-463-2921 or email
MONDAY NIGHT WOMENS BIBLE STUDY continues weekly, at 7 p.m. in the Church Lounge. Beginning Monday, Nov. 18, the group is starting a 4-week Advent study "JOY TO THE WORLD" All women are welcome. Questions please contact Bonnie Young by cell or text at 586-350-3222.
TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY—Meet to enjoy God's Word every Tuesday morning 9:30-10:45 a.m. Led by Mary Hartman and Lila Tirsell. Meets in the Church Lounge.
A BIBLE STUDY FOR MEN—Wednesday mornings from 6– 7 a.m. in the Church Lounge. Hot coffee, study guides and Christian fellowship await you! Questions? Contact Pat Anderson at
SATURDAY MORNING MEN’S STUDY—A Saturday morning men’s Bible study meets in the Church Lounge at Trinity at 8 a.m. For more information, contact Brian Lanko at
WOMEN’S LEAGUE MEETING Tuesday, Nov, 19, 6:30 p.m., Church Lounge. Remember to bring your gift cards for the Wellspring Christmas Caring program or cash for WL to buy gift cards from the school office so that your purchase also benefits Trinity School! If you’re planning on attending the Bethlehem Breakfast, and sitting at one of the Women’s League tables, please bring your ticket money. This is our last meeting before our December All-Weekend Christmas Bake Sale AND SO MUCH MORE Fundraiser, so we’ll be making our final plans but still squeezing in some surprise fun! Guests are ALWAYS welcome! For information, contact Debbie Graham-Large at 313-318-6513.
THANK YOU FROM THE WOMEN’S LEAGUE Thanks all those who donated canning jars to use for the soup and chili mixes we sell as a fundraiser. We didn’t need to buy any jars this year!
WELLSPRING MEETING—Wellspring Lutheran Chapter 6 meets on Tuesday, Nov. 26 at St. Luke Lutheran Church, 21400 Nunneley, Clinton Twp. The meeting begins at noon with lunch provided, by the ladies of St. Luke. On the agenda is the collecting of Christmas Caring Gift Cards from (Meijer, Walmart, Target) and any other gifts you wish to donate. This is the last meeting of 2024 so please come join us. The next meeting is in April!
NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING UPDATE—Trinity is sending 17 youth and adults this summer to the LCMS National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, LA. 25,000+ youth and adults from across the globe will be traveling to New Orleans, July 19 - 23 to be encouraged through the theme “Endure” based on Heb 12:1-3. However, we can’t make it there without your help – so please consider helping us in the following ways:
† Pray for Trinity’s group of 17 youth and adults attendees
† Pray for the National Youth Gathering – that lives and hearts would be touched.
† Please help us “CLEAR THE BOARD” by taking an envelope (or as many as you would like) from the sponsorship board in the Narthex today! on Inside each envelop is another. Write the donation amount on the second envelop, seal it and return it to the church office by Dec. 15. Make checks payable to Trinity Lutheran Church – memo – National Youth Gathering. Thank you for supporting these youth and adults and making this National Youth Gathering a possibility for them to attend.
BETHLEHEM BREAKFAST—Ladies, tickets for the Bethlehem Breakfast are one sale now through Nov. 22 in the Church Office. They are also available for purchase before and after services on Sunday Nov, 10, 17 and 22. The Bethlehem Breakfast is Saturday, Dec. 7 with the theme "The Christmas Lamb of God.” The event is held at the Italian-American Cultural Center, with a full breakfast served at 9 a.m. Tickets are $25. Join us for a full breakfast followed by Christmas inspiration and carols. This is a wonderful opportunity to share Jesus, the true meaning of Christmas, with your family, friends, and neighbors. A table of 10 can be reserved for $250. If you'd like to be a reader, volunteer by Nov 11 to Bonnie Young at 586-350-3222.
VOICES IN PRAISE REHEARSALS—The adult choir, Voices in Praise, meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. in the choir room. The choir is members from Trinity as well as St. Luke Clinton Township. This choir performs regularly at Trinity’s 9 a.m. worship and at services at St. Luke. To join, come to rehearsal or contact Paul Finazzo at
THANKSGIVING BASKETS—Trinity is collecting items for Thanksgiving baskets to distribute to the needy in the community. A list of needed items is available at the Welcome Center. Items can be brought to the Church Office, weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
BLOOD DRIVE NOV. 25—Trinity hosts a blood drive on Monday, Nov. 25 from 1-7 p.m. If you give on that day, you will receive two pairs of Friends and Red Cross socks. To schedule an appointment, go to RedCrossBlood.org and use the sponsor code TrinityCT. For more information, contact Lisa Riviera at 586-463-2921 ext. 111 or email
JANUARY 2025 HAITI TRIP—A team is traveling to Cap-Haitien, Haiti this coming Jan. 15-22, 2025 and they need our help! The team will see up to 800 Haitians for reading and distant eyeglasses. Distance glasses will purchased from MOST Ministries, but the team is in need of reading glasses with the strength in the +1's, +2's, +3's and +4's. The dollar stores are a great place to find them. Haiti is dusty so the team is also taking donations of .5 oz eye drops as well. Please contact Kim Waller at 586-202-8843 or Keith Waller at 586-215-4084 to schedule a pick up or drop off.
FAMILY OF GOD DINNERS—Trinity provides meals to Family of God in Detroit on the second Wednesday of each month. Volunteers are needed to donate a dish. If you’d like to contribute financially, leave a donation in the Church Office or Venmo Cathy Essig (@CLEssig). To schedule a dish donation, call Karen Langreet at 586-445-2460.
CHRISTMAS TREE HELP—It’s time to decorate Trinity for Advent and Christmas. Volunteers are needed to assemble and decorate the large foyer Christmas tree on Sunday, Nov. 24 following the 11 a.m. service. Finishing touches will be done on Monday, Nov. 25. For more information, call or text Robin at 586-531-8286.
This week at Trinity—Nov. 17-23, 2024
Sunday (17) |
9 a.m. |
Worship—Sanctuary |
10:05 a.m. |
Confirmation Module—Youth Lounge |
11 a.m. |
Worship—Sanctuary |
Monday (18) |
1 p.m. |
Alanon—Church Lounge |
6:30 p.m. |
Tai Chi—Gym |
7 p.m. |
Confirmation Module—Youth Lounge |
7 p.m. |
Women’s Bible Study—Church Lounge |
Tuesday (19) |
9:30 a.m. |
Women’s Bible Study—Church Lounge |
5:30 p.m. |
Scouts-Community Center |
6 p.m. |
GriefShare—Chapel |
6:30 p.m. |
Women’s League—Church Lounge |
7 p.m. |
Confirmation Module—Youth Lounge |
Wednesday (20) |
6 a.m. |
Men’s Bible Study—Church Lounge |
Noon |
Paper Hugs Express—Meeting Room 1 |
Noon |
Kiwanis—Community Center |
6 p.m. |
E3 Dinner—Cafeteria |
6:30 p.m. |
E3 Groups—Various Rooms |
Thursday (21) |
9:30 a.m. |
Trinity Quilters—Community Center |
1 p.m. |
Living with Hearing Loss-Church Lounge |
7 p.m. |
Purls Knitting Group—Church Lounge |
7 p.m. |
Confirmation Module—Youth Lounge |
Friday (22) |
7 p.m. |
NA—Community Center |
Saturday (23) |
8 a.m. |
Men’s Bible Study—Church Lounge |
5 p.m. |
Worship—Sanctuary |
Special Prayers
- † For the sick and suffering
- † For the Ministry of our school
- † For all who serve at Trinity and for the faithful use of gifts and talents
- † For Pastor Keith Lemley
- † For our new members
- † For the Senior Pastor search process
- † For our nation, its leaders, and our citizens
- † For our mission partner Camp Restore Detroit
- † For our sister congregation Shepherd's Gate