What’s Happening at Trinity—Oct. 27, 2024
SENIOR PASTOR CALL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR OCT. 30— The search committee has been busy at work reviewing candidate profiles, conducting interviews, and above all, praying alongside you. Recently, a candidate was brought on site and met with our Pastors, School Principal, Ministry Staff, Mission Council, and Elders. This candidate possesses the qualities and qualifications that align with our Pastor Profile needs, and the results of the in-person meetings have been overwhelmingly positive. For these reasons, the Call Committee has recommended to the Mission Council that a congregation meeting be scheduled to vote on extending a Divine Call to this candidate to be our next Senior Pastor. The Mission Council would like to invite you to the scheduled Call Meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 30 at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Center. The agenda for this meeting is to present the candidate information to the congregation, discuss, and vote on extending a Divine Call to be Senior Pastor at Trinity. We will also be seeking authorization for Mission Council to negotiate with the Michigan District LCMS for an Intentional Interim Pastor. Please, plan to attend and be part of these exciting next step in Trinity’s journey as we all seek to be “Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus Christ.”
CONFIRMATION MODULE REGISTRATION—If you have a sixth, seventh or eighth grader, it’s time to register for confirmation modules. Head to Trinityct.org/confirmation and select the modules that fit within your schedule. If you have questions about confirmation, contact Katie Erkkinen at
BAPTISM CLASSES—A Zoom baptism class scheduled for Nov. 12 and also Jan. 27 . If you are interested in baptism for you or your child, visit Trinityct.org/baptism. The class focuses on baptism, what it is and why we do it, and explains your role and how this all plays out in the "real life" of your home. For more information, contact the Church Office at 586-463-2921 or email
MONDAY NIGHT WOMENS BIBLE STUDY—The Monday evening Bible study is working through, "God of Covenant” by Jen Wilkin, a study of the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. All women are welcome. For information or to reserve a book contact Bonnie Young by cell or text at 586-350-3222.
TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY—Meet to enjoy God's Word every Tuesday morning 9:30-10:45 a.m. Led by Mary Hartman and Lila Tirsell. Meets in the Church Lounge.
A BIBLE STUDY FOR MEN—Wednesday mornings from 6– 7 a.m. in the Church Lounge. Hot coffee, study guides and Christian fellowship await you! Questions? Contact Pat Anderson at
SATURDAY MORNING MEN’S STUDY—A Saturday morning men’s Bible study meets in the Church Lounge at Trinity at 8 a.m. For more information, contact Brian Lanko at
LUTHERAN LEARNING OPPORTUNITY—If you love thought provoking discussions (with some of Synod’s best professors) and terrific music, why not consider a few days in Ft. Wayne, Ind., next month at the Luther Hostel (Nov 6-8) and/or the 25th Annual Good Shepherd Institute (Nov 10-12)? Brochures are available at the coffee station and opposite wall. For more information, call 586-461-7772.
As we prepare for our next session of E3, we have a new variety of options for adults. The next session runs through Nov. 29. Dinner is at 6 p.m. followed by the group meetings at 6:30 p.m. Groups for middle and high school students, preteens, elementary students an a nursery continue.
Transformation with Kathy Reither and guest speakers—I Used to Be ___, But Now I’m ___. Come and explore that topic by hearing Trinity members tell us their stories of change.
Titus with Linda Gawinski—The whole goal of Titus is to Biblically empower women in simple-to-measure, Spirit-empowered, love-based living. Paul singles out the women of faith and charges them with supporting the younger woman in the church.
Trinity Counseling Center
† Oct. 30—Christians and mental health: Addressing common myths about mental health and the Christian. Presented by Elizabeth Hanvey
† Nov. 6—Attachment and Relationships. Presented by
Zhela Bennett
† Nov. 13—Healthy Relationships. Presented by Amy Prosch
† Nov. 20—The Four Horsemen of Relationship Apocalypse.
Presented by Zhela Bennett
Visual Faith with Andrea Gastmeier and Rebecca Thomas—Color, doodle, or sketch as you pray and immerse yourself in God's word. Bring some calm and creativity to your day.
BETHLEHEM BREAKFAST—Ladies, mark your calendars now for the Bethlehem Breakfast on Saturday, Dec. 7. The theme is "The Christmas Lamb of God" and the event is held at the Italian-American Cultural Center, with a full breakfast served at 9 a.m. Tickets are $25. A table of 10 can be reserved for $250. Tickets are available in the church office beginning Nov. 1, and Sundays, Nov. 10,17, 24. If you would like to volunteer to be a reader, or if you have questions please contact Bonnie Young at 586-350-3222.
POISETTIA SALES—Altar Guild begins Poinsettia sales on Nov. 2-17. The cost is $16. A drop box is located in the foyer. Fill out the available information sheet. For more information, contact Kathy Conrad at
CANNING JARS NEEDED—Have any extra canning jars? Women's League needs pint and quart size canning jars for the soup and chili mixes we assemble and sell as a fundraiser at the end of every year. While wide mouth are preferred, we accept standard mouth too. Please leave the jars behind the Welcome Center counter. For information, call Debbie Graham-Large at 313-318-6513.
VOICES IN PRAISE REHEARSALS—The adult choir, Voices in Praise, meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. in the choir room. The choir is members from Trinity as well as St. Luke Clinton Township. This choir performs regularly at Trinity’s 9 a.m. worship and at services at St. Luke. To join, come to rehearsal or contact Paul Finazzo at
SUPPORT MACOMB HABITAT— Nov. 9 and 10 - See the newer vehicle purchased with a gift from Trinity in the parking lot and help fill it before and after services that day. Donations of new or gently used clean and functional small appliances and tools, will be used for construction and the ReStores. Sunday Coffee Hour will be a thank you for the 30-year partnership and your option to make a financial donation in support of Macomb County families.
BLOOD DRIVE NOV. 25—Trinity hosts a blood drive on Monday, Nov. 25 from 1-7 p.m. If you give on that day, you will receive two pairs of Friends and Red Cross socks. To schedule an appointment, go to RedCrossBlood.org and use the sponsor code TrinityCT. For more information, contact Lisa Riviera at 586-463-2921 ext. 111 or email
THANKSGIVING BASKETS—Trinity is collecting items for Thanksgiving baskets to distribute the needy in the community. A list of needed items is available at the Welcome Center. Items can be brought to the Church Office, weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Those in need of a basket can sign up in the Church Office before Nov. 20.Valid Macomb County identification is required.
FAMILY OF GOD DINNERS—Trinity provides meals to Family of God in Detroit on the second Wednesday of each month. Volunteers are needed to donate a dish. If you’d like to contribute financially, leave a donation in the Church Office or Venmo Cathy Essig (@CLEssig). To schedule a dish donation, call Karen Langreet at 586-445-2460.
SPAGHETTI DINNER FUNDRAISER—The Early Childhood Center wants to support the Stephens family’s medical expenses. On Saturday, Nov. 2 from 2-7 p.m. in the Community Center, the ECC hosts a spaghetti dinner and bake sale. The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under, and includes spaghetti, salad, dinner roll and dessert with water, coffee or lemonade. For more information, contact the ECC office at 586-463-8803 or email
GIFT CARDS MAKE GREAT GIFTS—With the holidays approaching, get your holiday shopping done with Raise Right and help Trinity in the process. Through RaiseRight, you can earn money towards student tuition and help Trinity. For the enrollment code and questions, contact Rachel Nyboer in the school office at 586-8511 ext. 130 or
8TH GRADERS CHECK OUT LHN—Future Mustang Day is an opportunity for 8th graders and parents to learn more about Lutheran North. The event begins at 9 a.m. on Nov. 4 in the main gym. Future Mustang Day concludes at 11:45 a.m. For more information, visit LutheranNorth.com.
This week at Trinity—Oct. 27-Nov. 2, 2024
Sunday (27) |
9 a.m. |
Worship—Sanctuary |
11 a.m. |
Confirmation Worship—Sanctuary |
Monday (28) |
1 p.m. |
Alanon—Church Lounge |
6:30 p.m. |
Tai Chi—Gym |
7 p.m. |
Women’s Bible Study—Church Lounge |
Tuesday (29) |
9:30 a.m. |
Women’s Bible Study—Church Lounge |
5:30 p.m. |
Scouts—Community Center |
6 p.m. |
GriefShare—Chapel |
7 p.m. |
Scouts-Community Center |
Wednesday (30) |
6 a.m. |
Men’s Bible Study—Church Lounge |
Noon |
Kiwanis—Community Center |
Noon |
Hugs Express—Church Lounge |
6 p.m. |
E3 Dinner—Cafeteria |
6:30 p.m. |
E3 Groups—Various Rooms |
7:30 p.m. |
Congregational Meeting—Community Center |
Thursday (31) |
7 p.m. |
Purls Knitting Group—Community Center |
Friday (1) |
7 p.m. |
NA—Community Center |
Saturday (2) |
8 a.m. |
Men’s Bible Study—Church Lounge |
2 p.m. |
Spaghetti Dinner—Community Center |
5 p.m. |
Worship—Sanctuary |
Special Prayers
- † For the sick and suffering
- † For our confirmation ministry
- † For our Elders and Mission Council
- † For those who do not yet know Christ
- † For the Senior Pastor search process
- † For our nation, its leaders, and our citizens
- † For our mission partner Groundwork Guatemala
- † For our sister congregation St. John, Fraser
- † For our confirmands
In Memoriam
- Kathy Starnes
- Rev. Chris Davis
Altar Flowers
In honor of Will and Annette Smith’s wedding anniversary