What’s Happening at Trinity—March 9, 2025
JOIN IN THE SCHOOL’S LENT CHALLENGE—This year for Lent, Trinity school is encouraging students and their families to pause, focus, spend intentional time in prayer and with family members by taking a break from screens and technology. Students participate at various levels, each with achievable and rewarding goals. Our 5th-8th grade chapel services will spend talking about this, including challenges, surprises, encouragement and time in scripture and prayer. We also intend to follow up with informational session with Protect Young Eyes in April and the opportunity to have discussions about the book, “The Anxious Generation.” Join our students as they sacrifice screen time this Lenten season. For more information, contact Principal Mark Brown at 586-468-8511 or
LENT MIDWEEK SERVICE— Throughout Lent, we offer midweek, midday services on Wednesdays at noon in the chapel. These short services help focus our minds on the sacrifice of Jesus to save us from our sins, purely through God’s grace.
EASTER FLOWER SALES—Easter flowers begin March 8! Help us to decorate the sanctuary by purchasing a plant. A single lily is $13, mums are $15 and hydrangeas are $25 and Azaleas are $23. Self-serve sale run through March 23. For more information, contact Kathy Conrad at 586-914-4512.
BLOOD DRIVE March 13—Trinity hosts a blood drive on Thursday, March 13 from 1-7 p.m. Schedule an appointment at RedCrossBlood.org and use the sponsor code TrinityCT. For more information, contact Lisa Riviera at 586-463-2921 ext. 111 or email
E3 CONTINUES THIS WEEK—E3 resumes on Wednesday, March 12 with our current offerings. Free dinner is served at 6 p.m. followed by the meetings at 6:30 p.m. There is something for everyone in the family. In addition to a nursery for the youngest attendees, there is also an elementary group, a preteen group (4th and 5th graders) and the middle and high school youth group. For more information, call the Church Office at 586-463-2921. Our current adult offerings are:
- “How We Got the Bible” — Led by Pastor Gary in the Community Center
- Cultures in Conflict: Paul Proclaims Jesus as Lord. Led by Steve and Sharon Meseke in the Chapel.
BAPTISM CLASSES—Several Zoom baptism classes are coming up. One is Tuesday, March 11 or Thursday, April 24 at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested in baptism for you or your child, visit Trinityct.org/baptism. The class focuses on baptism, what it is and why we do it, and explains your role and how this all plays out in the "real life" of your home. For more information, contact the Church Office at 586-463-2921 or email
CROSSTALK AUDIO DEVOTIONS will be available during the season of Lent. These 5-minute daily devotions can be sent directly into your email inbox beginning March 5. If you’d like to be included and have not received Crosstalk in the past, go to Trinityct.org/crosstalk to sign up. You can also find these devotions on iTunes or ask your Alexa enabled device “Play Trinity Lutheran Crosstalk Podcast.” See Trinityct.org/Crosstalk for information.
NEW MONDAY NIGHT WOMENS BIBLE STUDY—A new Monday Night Ladies Bible Study starts Monday, March 10. We will study "The Gospel on the Ground,” (the book of Acts) byt Kristi McLelland. We meet in the Church Lounge at 6:30 p.m. All women are welcome. Questions? Contact Bonnie Young at 586-350-3222 by cell or text.
TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY—Meet to enjoy God's Word every Tuesday morning 9:30-10:45 a.m. Led by Mary Hartman and Lila Tirsell. Meets in the Church Lounge.
A BIBLE STUDY FOR MEN—Wednesday mornings from 6– 7 a.m. in the Church Lounge. Coffee, study guides and fellowship await you! Questions? Contact Pat Anderson at
SATURDAY MORNING MEN’S STUDY—A Saturday morning men’s Bible study at 8 a.m. This group meets offsite. For more information, contact Brian Lanko at
YOUTH GATHERING FUNDRAISER TRIVIA NIGHT—You’re Invited to TRIVA NIGHT on Saturday, March 15 to support our youth attending the LCMS youth gathering in New Orleans in July. The event is held in the Community Center. Doors open at 6 p.m. and Trivia begins are 6:30 p.m. It’s an 8-round trivia match with 2 individual bonus rounds. Registration is $25 per person or tables of 8 for $200. Create your own team or be paired up with others. Light snacks, soda, water and a bake sale are available. Feel free to bring appetizers or food to share at your table. Register your group online at Trinityct.org/trivia. For information, contact Kristin Hardy at
JOIN TRINITY’S PRAYER TEAM—Trinity has a group of people who pray over the submissions that come in from our website and special requests. If you are interested in praying for those in need, provide your name and email address to Audrey Lidtke at No meetings required.
CALLING ALL MILITARY MEMBERS—If you or a family member are serving in the armed forces, contact Pastor Gary. We’d like to make sure our records are up to date and we are praying for you. For more information, email or call 586-463-2921.
FEED THOSE IN NEED-Trinity provides meals/casseroles for Family of God in Detroit monthly on the second Wednesday. Volunteers are needed to cook or donate a dish. Cash donations are also accepted at the Church Office or via Venmo to Cathy Essig (@CLEssig). Family of God serves meals to over 100 people in Detroit 6 days a week. Call Karen Langreet at (586) 445-2460 or (586) 291-6273. For more information on Family of God, visit www.fogdetroit.com.
4TH GRADE UPDATE—Trinity’s fourth grade teacher, Ms. Grace Adams, has received a call to another Lutheran school outside of our area. Please pray for her as she seeks God’s guidance whether to continue her call at Trinity or to accept the new call.
8th GRADER WINS MACOMB SPELLING BEE—Congratulations to Trinity 8th grader Ainsley Gastmeier, who placed first in the 2025 Macomb County Regional Spelling Bee. She was first among 34 contestants. Ainsley heads to Washington DC in May to compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee.
CEREAL DRIVE—The school is collecting boxes of breakfast cereal for Macomb Foster Closet. Before shipping them off to Macomb Foster Closet, we will create a domino run with the boxes. The goal is to create a longer domino run through the school hallway than last year. Can you help? Boxes of cereal can be left in the church foyer or delivered to the school before April 9.
OPEN ENROLLMENT BEGINS MARCH 1—Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year is open at Trinityct.org/admissions. If you have any questions, contact the school office. (586-468-8511). Registration for Trinity ECC’s preschool programs and Great Start Readiness Program is open as well. Check them out at Trinityct.org/ECC.
SAVE THE DATE – DADDY DAUGHTER DANCE Join us for Trinity's 2025 Daddy Daughter Dance on Sunday, April 6 from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. at Fern Hill Golf Club. Tickets are $30 per person, which includes a full buffet lunch, dancing and fun! Tickets are available in the school's coffee oasis on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:15 a.m. Cash only please. Please contact Jackie Walker at or Xenia Woltmann at with any questions or to make ticket arrangements.
PASTOR GARY’S RETIREMENT-Pastor Gary’s last Sunday at Trinity is Sunday, June 15. There will be one service that Sunday and a reception is planned for noon-3 p.m. at the Italian American Cultural Society. Mark the date on your calendar. Ticket information and more details will be available soon.
BAPTISM JARS—If you child received a jar of gems or marbles at their baptism and you don’t know what to do with them once they are removed each week, bring them to the Welcome Center. We have provided a jar to collect the gems you no longer need. You can bring them each week, or save them up and return a group at once. They will be sanitized and recycled.
RESTORE THE ROOF—Please help us “Restore the Roof” (repair the sanctuary copper roof and gutter system) by contributing to our goal of $200,000 through the end of the 2025. Contributions can be dropped off at the Church Office (marked “Roof”) or can be done through the Elexio app by selecting Restore the Roof from the offering fund option. For more information, contact Debbie Simmons at
DIRECT YOUR CHOICE DOLLARS TO THE ROOF—All Thrivent members have Choice Dollars to distribute to non-profit organizations. Thrivent members’ 2024 Choice Dollars need to find a home before March 31. All funds designated to Trinity Lutheran Church, School and ECC will be allocated to the Restore the Roof fund. There are two ways two for directing Choice Dollars. Go to Thrivent.com/thriventchoice or call 800-847-4836 and say "Thrivent Choice" at the prompt. Please take a few minutes and designate Trinity.
This week at Trinity—March 9-15, 2025
Sunday (9) |
9 a.m. |
Worship—Sanctuary |
10 a.m. |
Confirmation Module—Youth Lounge |
11 a.m. |
Worship—Sanctuary |
Monday (10) |
1 p.m. |
Alanon—Church Lounge |
5:30 p.m. |
Stephen Ministry Leaders– Community Center |
6 p.m. |
Girl Scouts—Youth Lounge |
6:30 p.m. |
Ladies Bible Study—Church Lounge |
6:30 p.m. |
Tai Chi—Gym |
7 p.m. |
Stephen Ministry—Community Center |
7 p.m. |
Confirmation Module—Choir Room |
Tuesday (11) |
9:30 a.m. |
Women’s Bible Study—Church Lounge |
5:30 p.m. |
Scouts—Community Center |
6 p.m. |
ECC Dad’s Night—Gym |
6 p.m. |
Altar Guild—Church Lounge |
7 p.m. |
Elders—Youth Lounge |
Wednesday (12) |
6 a.m. |
Men’s Bible Study—Church Lounge |
Noon |
Midweek Lent Service—Chapel |
Noon |
Kiwanis—Community Center |
6 p.m. |
E3 Dinner—Cafeteria |
6:30 p.m. |
E3 Group Meeting—Various Rooms |
Thursday (13) |
1 p.m. |
Blood Drive—Community Center |
6 p.m. |
ECC Dad’s Night—Gym |
7 p.m. |
Purls Knitting Group—Church Lounge |
Friday (14) |
7 p.m. |
NA-Community Center |
Saturday (15) |
8 a.m. |
Men’s Bible Study—Offsite |
5 p.m. |
Worship—Sanctuary |
7p.m. |
Trivia Night —Community Center |
Special Prayers
- † For the sick and suffering
- † For the ministry of our ECC
- † For youth and children’s ministry
- † For the poor, homeless and jobless
- † For the Senior Pastor search process
- † For our mission partner Groundwork Guatemala
- † For our sister congregation St. Peter, Macomb