Summer Camp
Summer Camp 2025 is coming soon!
Trinity's Summer Program has some great things planned for 2025! A summer camp like you have not experienced before! Here are some things you can expect...
- Kids grouped in similar age groups of 20 with 2 camp counselors and 2 counselors in training.
- Campers have options for their activities each day - great stuff like cooking, arts and crafts, indoor / outdoor sports, fitness and more!
- Daily engaging opening and closing times as well as an interactive, age-appropriate Bible study time.
- A new theme each week! No two weeks are the same!
Registration for Summer Camp begins March 1.
The Details
- Official camp hours will be 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- Kids can arrive at 8:45 a.m. (or as early as 6:30 a.m. if you opt for morning childcare) and picked up at 3 a.m. (or stay until 6 p.m. if you opt for afternoon childcare).
- Lunch and snack are included in the cost.
- Registration fees: 1-4 weeks - $60, 5-8 weeks - $80, 9-12 weeks - $90 (includes one T-shirt)
- Extra summer camp shirts are available for $12
- $175 per week -- weekly rates only -- you'll want the full-week experience
Before and After Camp Care
- Mornings - $25/week (6:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.)
- Afternoons - $40/week (3 p.m. - 6 p.m.)
How old or what grade of children can enroll?
Kindergarten graduates through 6th grade graduates are eligible to attend camp.
What about 7th grade graduates and up?
Contact the Early Childhood Center for information about opportunities for 7th grade graduates and up at Summer Camp. Call 586-463-8803 or email
How do I register?
Fill out the intended use form and turn it in with your registration fee. If you have a registration form on file, you will need to review it to make sure all information is correct. You can also download a registration form if you need one. Trinity's summer camp registration does not begin until March 1.
Can I choose the weeks that my child will attend?
Yes! You can still choose the weeks you need. You will be billed for the weeks that you choose, so please don't choose weeks that you will be on vacation.
Can I choose to attend only a few days each week?
We feel that the weekly rate is quite affordable, so we don't offer daily rates. Your attendance is up to you -- but we think your child will want to be here every day!
When do I pay?
Payment is due on the Monday of the week your child/children attend.
NEW!! will there be things for my older camper ?
Yes! Cabins 5-7 will have planned off site field trips. More information to follow!
Are there weekly events?
YES! We continue to learn from previous years! Every Wednesday is Wacky Water Wednesday with continued special water games. We try to book as many special guests and events as possible that will work with our whole group.
Will my child have a choice about their activities?
YES! While each choice might not be available every day, they will be able to choose their activities to do with their friends. That is what “choice time” in the morning is all about – allowing the kids time to choose what activities they want to do that day and while the kids do Bible study, we will be creating their daily activity schedules. We continue to add to and enhance our activity choices.
Can my child be with their friends?
We group kids together by similar age and gender, but please let us know if your child would like to be grouped with a particular friend. If both families request this, we are happy to honor those requests whenever possible. The best way to do this is to write it on your intended use forms.
Is it ok to bring toys from home or valuable items? (iPods, iPads, cell phones, gaming devices, trading cards)
No! Campers are moving from one activity to another throughout the day and keeping track of these items can be problematic. Also, because we are licensed by the state of Michigan, campers can only have screen-based experiences for a maximum of 2 hours each week, which we already have planned options for. Please leave these items at home.
Many of our camp counselors will head back to college in August so we cannot enroll as many students. We however can provide a great summer experience for a limited number so please enroll early if you need those weeks.
Ready to Register?
You can find all the documents you need below. Registration begins March 1, 2024. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 586.463.8803 or
Can't wait to see you this summer!